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Get Free QuoteThe Financial Responsibility Law and the No Fault Law are the two primary factors behind the rules of the road for the Sunshine State. Every driver in Florida is required to have an insurance policy that covers not only the damages and injuries to themselves, but also to others in the event of an accident. If you do not follow these rules, you face a heavy fine or a possible suspension.
Your own injuries sustained in an accident do not relate to the Financial Responsibility Law. State law demands that all drives have a minimum policy under the follow situations: a crash caused by you, repeated traffic offense, DUI citation, or suspended license.
On the other hand, the No Fault Law pertains specifically to your vehicle and yourself. You must have $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) and another $10,000 for property liability. This is to protect yourself in the event of an accident, so do not take these rules lightly.
The No Fault Law also requires drivers to have insurance on any vehicle that stays within the State for over 90 days or more. This isn't a big deal really. Whoever your insurance provider is, they should keep the DMV of Florida "in the know", but it would be best if you manually checked up on this yourself.
If the DMV finds out that you have been driving around without an active insurance policy, you can be in for a hefty fine or a suspension. Your privileges could be taken away, including registration and tags, for up to three years. It is possible to reduce this penalty if you can provide proof of insurance during that time period.
Once you have your insurance policy back and have served a suspension, you will have to pay at least $150 in restoration fees in order to get your driving privileges back. Not a fun experience by any means. So it pays (no pun intended) to stay on top of your license renewal and notifications.
If you are moving to Florida, please take note that you can't keep your current policy. You will have to obtain at bare minimum, a policy that confines in the law set forth by the State of Florida. There is no other way around it. It would be in your best interest to find a policy before you move there, or within the 90 day timeframe you are allotted.
If you only come to Florida for the winter months, you can get away without having a Florida no fault auto insurance policy, if your stay is under the 90 day limit. This may be something you want to think about. Either way, it would be to your benefit that you compare multiple online quotes for free.