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Auto Insurance in Florida

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Discount Auto Insurance In Florida

When you begin looking for discount auto insurance in Florida, you need to understand the different discounts available for insurers. Not all insurance carriers offer the same discounts, so determining what discounts you will qualify for is essential before selecting a company. Adding multiple discounts to your auto insurance is a key component on saving perhaps hundreds of dollars a year on car insurance.

Multiple Vehicles

Just about every insurance carrier offers a multi-car discount. If you have more than one vehicle registered in the state of Florida, you must carry insurance on each one. An insurance company will give you credit for insuring multiple cars with their company.

Multiple Policies

Another one that is quite common is the multi-policy discount. If you also carry home insurance or life insurance, or even personal liability insurance, your insurance company may offer you a discount for having multiple insurance policies with them. This won’t work with companies that only sell car insurance, however.

Safe Driver

This discount is becoming more and more popular. If you have been driving for years without an accident or traffic violation, you already get a better rate on your insurance than many other people. On top of that, now many insurance companies offer a safe driving discount in addition to the monetary benefits you may already be receiving for having such a clean driving record.

Good Student

The correlation between having good grades and driving responsibility as a teenager and young adult must be common. As such, many companies are now offering a good student discount to reward young people who are doing well. This helps many families who need to add young adults to their policy and have to deal with the larger premiums that come along with insuring new drivers.


For companies that do a lot of their marketing and enrollments online, it is not uncommon to see businesses offer discounts for signing up online or signing an e-agreement from their website.


If you own your house or residence, this means you are less likely to pick up and move or change policies. For this reason, many insurance agents will give you a discount for being a homeowner.

Pay in Full Annually

You can receive significant savings if you are able to pay for the entire year upfront. It is common that the company offer 10% off you policy for paying it all upfront.

There are plenty more discount auto insurance in Florida options so be certain to ask each company you get a quote from what kind of discounts they offer. Adding up multiple discounts could save you a ton of money.

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